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3 Subjects

Critical Reflection Essay

Critical Reflection Essay

Q 1. Before your due date, pick any topic related to a media industry that interests you. Consider issues/trends that align with a personal interest (e.g. Summer Olympics media coverage) or professional interest (e.g. public health safety measures). Or you can check out the case studies in the textbook for ideas too (e.g. video game beta testing and labor issues). • Visit the Discussion Board to chat with Dr. Weare if you're unsure if your issue/trend is related to a media industry. 2. Type up a 500-word essay on your issue/trend. Format your essay in Times New Roman, 12-point font, double spaced, 1-inch margins. • Page 1: APA Links to an external site.cover page • Page 2: Open with an introduction (1 paragraph) of your chapter issue/trend that you find interesting, repulsive, worth of examination, etc. Use your essay to examine a part of the issue/trend that intersects with your life professionally or personally. Preview your issue/trend's 3 best main points. • Page 2 - 3: Cover your issue/trend's 3 best main points (1 paragraph each). Write in a voice that promotes multiple sides of the issue. If you want to include personal experience in your essay, great! Just be sure to not write with your investigative journalist hat to consider the nuances and gray area of multiple sides within an issue/trend. In each paragraph, consider who’s impacted, power relations, “following the money”, etc.. Use p. 23 of the book to help you. o Cite the textbook at least once in APA as an in-text citation behind those sentences and on your last References page. o Cite 1 reputable cite from news media (e.g. newspaper; PBS News Hour Links to an external site.; etc.) or academic research (e.g. library's Communication Source Links to an external site.database; Pew Research Center Links to an external site.) about your issue/trend. • Close with a conclusion (1 paragraph) on your thoughts and/or suggestions on your issue/trend. • Page 4: References page in APA style with the textbook and your 1 reputable source listed alphabetically. 3. Double check your formatting: Times New Roman, 12-point font, 1-inch margins, double spaced, bolded title, and a References page 4. View the rubric below for how your essay gets graded. 5. Canvas will scan your paper using before you submit to alert you of possible plagiarism. Do not copy/paste from other academic papers online. Do not copy/paste text from websites. This is plagiarism. This is grounds for failing the course and being let go from UNO. • If you get a high plagiarism rating from, fix the sentences that are missing quotations " " and in-text citations (AUTHOR LAST NAME, YEAR) before re-submitting. • Write 90% of your essay in your own words from your own viewpoint on what you think is important for the reader. • Put 10% of your supporting evidence (from the chapter and your reputable source) in quotations " " or paraphrase (reword), and type an in-text citation at the end of those sentences (AUTHOR LAST NAME, YEAR). o Cite ALL sources used in the References page at the end of your essay to receive full credit for this part of the rubric. 7. Late work is only accepted up to 4 days late (-10% each day). Work beyond receives 0/50. View past essays here: Music Sampling.pdf Download Music Sampling.pdf Gingerism.pdf Download Gingerism.pdf LGBTQ in Media.pdf Download LGBTQ in Media.pdf True crime media.pdf Download True crime media.pdf Black Twitter (1).pdf Download Black Twitter (1).pdf Rubric CRE Rubric CRE Rubric Criteria Ratings Pts This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeTopic & Thesis The topic is connected to media communication / journalism, cites a textbook chapter and 1 additional source, and has a clear thesis statement or argument in the Introduction. 10 pts Full Marks 0 pts No Marks 10 pts This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeLength & Formatting The essay is 500 words (2 pages) minimum in Times New Roman, 12-point font, 1-inch margins. 10 pts Full Marks 0 pts No Marks 10 pts This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeAPA The essay is properly structured (cover page, formatting), cited (in-text citations with author, year, and page number), and sourced (References page) in APA style. 10 pts Full Marks 0 pts No Marks 10 pts This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeGrammar, Spelling, & Punctuation The essay is properly spelled, punctuated, and uses strong grammar. 10 pts Full Marks 0 pts No Marks 10 pts This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeIntro, Body, Conclusion The essay has an Intro, Body, and Conclusion per the assignment instructions. The Body has 3 main points. 10 pts Full Marks 0 pts No Marks 10 pts Total Points: 50

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